Pentecost 8

I’m sure most of you are familiar with the restaurant named Cock of the Walk. The cornbread, greens, onion rings, and fried pickles are a meal in them self so it’s worth going to even if you don’t like fish. The theme of the restaurant is interesting. In the early 1800’s, Natchez “Under the Hill” …

Pentecost 7

“For neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is anything; but a new creation is everything,” Paul says. That was his parting shot for the Church in Galatia and especially for the so called Judaizers who were afflicting them. It seems that the group had infiltrated the Galatian church after the gospel had been preached there. This group …

Continuing Education

Each year Nativity graciously provides me with a continuing education opportunity. This year I’m participating in an independent reading project through Luther Seminary in Minnesota. I’ve not spent much time in Minnesota, two days on a family vacation about thirty years ago, so I’m looking forward to visiting. Plus, I hear they have great Walleye …

Pentecost 6

“No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God,” Jesus said. That is a rather ominous warning don’t you think? I mean being found unfit for the kingdom of God sounds a bit scary to me. Upon hearing Jesus’ words it behooves us to make …


John 14:8-17, [25-27] 8 Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.” 9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, “Show us the Father’? …

Easter (5)

 John 13:31-35 31 When he had gone out, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man has been glorified, and God has been glorified in him. 32 If God has been glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself and will glorify him at once. 33 Little children, I am with you only a …

Easter (4)

John 10:22-30 22 At that time the festival of the Dedication took place in Jerusalem. It was winter, 23 and Jesus was walking in the temple, in the portico of Solomon. 24 So the Jews gathered around him and said to him, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, …

Easter (3)

John 21:1-19 1 After these things Jesus showed himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias; and he showed himself in this way. 2 Gathered there together were Simon Peter, Thomas called the Twin, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples. 3 Simon Peter said …


John 20:19-31 19 When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” 20 After he said this, he showed them his …

A Legacy Through the Lens of the Gospel

I received word Saturday that one of my former Hebrew and Old Testament professors died. His name was Rick Byargeon. He was one of the hardest professors I had in seminary. His classes were intense. I can remember trembling hands and “butter flies” in my stomach before class. It’s not easy to read out loud, …